We are small software development studio cooperating with startups, software houses and international corporations.

Java and JVM technologies are our specializations.


Business process first

Business users believe if they build new software The Business will work more efficiently. But often problem is hidden much deeper inside business processes design. We believe that before software delivery will be started, it is required to refactor business processes.



We know that technology becomes more and more complex. We always simplify software which we create to make it understandable for customers and readable for developers. We know that there are dozens paths in software development but we help you to choose the most simple one for you.


Software craftsmanship

We are guild of software experts. We try to emulate medieval guild of craftsmen where master teaches journeymen until they become experts as well. We believe that such formula guarantees practical expertise, team creation based on trust, mastery and performance and high quality software delivery. We treat Software Craftsmanship Manifesto as our religion.



Business is in a rush today. This is why we have decided to follow Lean and Agile in our business and software development activities. Thanks to Lean Startup and Agile Scrum approaches we are flexible and we have required feedback loop with the market.


Clean code

Our software are always delivered for business users. We try to avoid too generic solutions which never cover your business requirements properly. Test Driven Development helps us to be stick to this foundation. Our code are readable, extensible, maintainable, tested and efficient. These are our 'must be'.



Agile enforces that we work effectively. This would be impossible without proper software development process automation. We setup our projects configuration to follow Continuous Delivery. Additionally we build automated tests (unit and integration) to avoid manual testing which is difficult to execute in short software development iterations.

We offer wide range of services related to creating software.


We cover three areas of software development such as People, Processes and Tools.


Software design and development

We audit, build software from scratch or refactor existing one following modular, multilayered, hexagonal or reactive design. Clean code and Test Driven Development are foundation of our approach.


Software architecture design

We audit, design software architecture or refactor existing architecture in given domains: Blockchain, Web, Microservices, Big Data warehouse, Cloud.


Software development process support

We audit, create software development process or help to adapt existing one to follow Agile, DevOps, Infrastructure as a Code, Continuous Delivery.


Teams mentoring

We help programmers' teams to understand software development concepts and practices to boost their productivity.

We deeply believe in the power of synergy in software creation.


We have unified strategy and we focus on People, Processes and proper Tools parallely.



We help you to discover key business values delivered by your product. Then if it is required, we help to simplify and refactor business processes to deliver business value as easy as possible. We support you with using Business Model Canvas and Customer Development approach. Furthermore we gather features required to achieve MVP. Last but not least we discover ubiquitous language to start conversation between The Business and The Technology and divide your business into bounded contexts (concept from Domain Driven Design).



We introduce basic Scrum artifacts to make Scrum usable. We create User story mapping to have overview of a product. We prepare initial Product Backlog with epics identification and facilitate basic user stories discovery.



We prepare strategy and toolset for Software development process. We help in setuping tools like Jira Agile, Confluence, Github, Jenkins pipeline, Docker, Kubernetes and Automated Testing. Mentioned tools working together form Continuous Delivery pipeline. We facilitate cooperation between developers and system administrators forming DevOps.



We start from choosing proper software architecture in your business and technology context. We prepare best practices and coding standards for software development. We mentor your teams how to use it. Our software development approach is based on Clean Code and Test Driven Development. Additionally we use Object Oriented or Functional paradigms. Last but not least we help with efficient implementation in Java and Spring ecosystem.

We know that software development is team game.


We are guild of independent freelancers cooperate each others from years. We love working with T-shaped people. We focus on communication as well as technology expertise.




Lukasz Baran
Java Software Expert


EMAIL TO: contact AT Architekciit.com

You can find us

Warsaw, Poland